India Emerged out to be a notable hub for Textile History of the planet since the Ancient times, Currently by dominating the globe with textile exports worth more than a 50 Billion USD.
Indian Government supports the Textile Export industry by best means, Indian Products Compete with Best quality and Service Globally.
Known as the "City of Exports", Tiruppur shines as an important Textile Junction in the Sub Continent. Claiming over 90% of Cotton Knitwear export of the Nation i.e. per year export of more than 500 Million pieces.
Holding Customers around 35+ Countries, Tiruppur contributes around 60% exports of Knitwear Industry. The Indian Government Export Policy of 2002-07 makes the trade from the city much louder and easier.
Relationship Values
SAG respects and reacts for Customer and Vendor expectations, which SAG believes as the key for quality, performance, and long-term relationships. Happy clients and vendors till date are the achievement of SAG and looking to build a much wider band of a smile.
Quality First
From design to despatch, SAG never compromises in Quality. The quality of the product and service acting as the best advertisement campaign, SAG enjoys its fruits by strengthening clients base.
Economic Affordability
SAG is expertise in building economic solutions for a given Task or Project with limited resources and uncompromising quality, this uniqueness of SAG attracts more stakeholders to be a part of SAG network family and get benefited on either end of a Business.
Productivity Excellence
The timely delivery is of equal importance to quality. In a fast evolving planet, textile Industry has the necessity to be proactive over market trends and demands, thus delivery on time becomes inevitable in the business. Understanding this fact SAG gives its best to meet delivery on time every time.